The childhood shows the man, as morning shows the day.
- John Milton
Childhood serves as the building block for all of life’s endeavors later on. It is evident that the experiences that children have in the first 21 years immensely impact how their brains will be wired as adults.
Good childhood experiences mould you into a self-assured and optimistic adult while the bad ones can lead to your downfall in your life as an adult because of the acquired self- doubts and insecurities as a child. And those fears become your ghost for the rest of your life. Your personal life, professional life and everything you do is influenced by those insecurities, lack of self-awareness and lack of self-appreciation.
So if you had a traumatic childhood, then this article is a must-read for you. Even if you had an awesome childhood, there must be some unpleasant experiences that might be affecting you subconsciously without even your knowledge.
Read on because this might benefit you in crashing your own false beliefs and self doubts.
Here is a traumatic experience from the life of a person I coached. You should know that before the below described incident she was confident, self-believer, self- aware and optimistic :
So, one morning, a 8th grader is playing drums during morning assembly. Students engaged in unison, drums and other musical instruments synchronized to coordinate the voices and the musical beats can be heard. A assembly session in a school, where the difference of a single beat can disturb everybody’s attention and can fill the whole atmosphere into chaos. All of a sudden, the drummer lost her attention and went offbeat, followed by the moment of complete SILENCE. Everyone’s eyes relaxing on the person who was responsible for this utter disturbance of chorus, as if, blaming her, “See, what you’ve done!”. And another child comes and takes over her drum stick and starts beating drum. That child, terrified, shattered in disbelief stays numb, unable to take any action because in a matter of seconds her whole world turned upside down. What seemed to be a perfectly ideal life suddenly became so hard. This sprouted the thoughts, “I am a loser, I can’t even play a drum so how can I succeed at other things!”, “I can do nothing.”
But, as a matter of fact, this is just an illusion. That child learns to live with that illusion for the rest of her life, penetrating deep inside her mind and affecting her subconsciously, and constricting her on her path of success. But she forgets that she is also entitled to boundless potential which she has yet to discover. That one incident severely impacted her life. she often used to find herself surrounded with anger and frustration that she used to keep within herself. she also repelled any sort of company, tried to keep people away from her labelling herself to be shy. It also had an adverse professional impact, she was not taking much initiative in corporate meetings. All such things blocked her possible success, she wasn’t getting as much as she deserved. But after some block-release exercise, she released that block and got rid of all such notions of self doubt. Then, she experienced lightness and FREEDOM.
So, all that you think you can, is true and you are potent of doing that, and all such things you believe that you can’t are just fragments of your false beliefs and reflect your damaged and under confident self. Enquire yourselves about you and your false acquired beliefs.
And if you’re thinking that:
“I wanna heal, I wanna feel,
What I thought was never real,
I wanna let go of the pain I’ve held so long,
Somewhere I belong!” - Linkin Park
Then release your strongly held false beliefs and you’ll realize that “Somewhere you really Belong.”
Anil Bahl is a Life Coach who works with Corporate and Entrepreneurs for their higher Performance and Business Growth.
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